Last Thursday night I was awoken by a frantic call from my sister that went something like this, (all caps are necessary because she was talking so loudly that one would think I had my phone on speaker....) "OH MY GOD LISA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING SATURDAY NIGHT?! WELL CANCEL YOUR PLANS BECAUSE STEVE-O IS COMING TO THE COMEDY CLUB AND HE ASKED MY BOYFRIEND TO DO A STUNT WITH HIM ON STAGE!!!!". I suppose this requires a bit of a back story. My sister's boyfriend, Steve (which makes things even more confusing for this story's sake) works as an AV/host/security/doorman for Rick Bronson's House of Comedy at the Mall of America. Steve-O was scheduled to perform stand up last weekend, and he requested that one of the staff members help him with a stunt on stage, so they chose Steve. The stunt was blowing fire off of Steve-O's head in front of the audience. After a few practice rounds, both Steve and Steve-O were feeling pretty comfortable to perform the stunt on stage. Of course when it came down to the actual performance, things went slightly awry and Steve ended up setting Steve-O's neck on fire (don't worry, this made things even more awesome in Steve-O's eyes). The following afternoon, Steve-O went to promote his comedy stint on the radio, and proceeded to tell the story about the uncontainable flame in a public place, which didn't go over very well with the fire marshal. Unfortunately, Steve's 15 minutes of fame were cut short by this "dick sucking cock face" (Steve-O's words, not mine) and he was not able to perform the stunt in any of the following shows for the weekend.
Steve was still able to score us some tickets for the Saturday night show. My sister and I were pretty excited.
The venue, sorry the pictures are blurry! But it's a lot bigger inside than it looks from the entrance.
This was my first time going to the comedy club...I'm not the biggest fan of stand up, but I sure as hell am a fan of Jackass and Steve-O so I was pretty excited to be there!
His show was overall very funny. Of course it was perverted, inappropriate, and disgusting at times, but what do you expect? It's Steve-O! He told jokes about the glory days of Jackass, his intervention, sobriety, and of course many sexual encounters. This was not a show for those that get offended easily. He concluded the show with a few stunts, from gymnastic moves to balancing a butcher's knife on his nose to squeezing fresh lemon juice straight into his eyes. His attitude was very humble and he kept repeating "thank you so much for giving me a chance at stand up comedy, hopefully this goes better than my rap career". The coolest part was that he hung out after the show outside of the club to sign autographs and take pictures, despite the fact that he had a 7:30 AM flight back to LAX. What a guy....
This guy was willing to pay my sister to take pictures of him and Steve-O. We told him no payment was necessary, he was a little too excited about it. But I included the pictures on here so that you can see that those ridiculous tattoos are in fact very real.
Yay! Me & Steve-O
Steve + Steve-O, BFF's. Maybe they'll have better luck with stunts next time he is in town.
Some more pictures from the outside of the club!
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