Here's how it works:

The Midwest Module is a social design experiment intended to connect Twin Cities inhabitants. The experiment is open to anyone regardless of where you are. The idea started in Minneapolis but can evolve to where ever you take your adventures. Participants are asked to collect designed collateral (ie posters, menus, flyers, newspapers, local advertisements, anything!) and record their experiences with the design. Some "experiences" could be that you liked the poster so you took it with you, while other designs may inspire you to attend the event, or go to the place. Use the blog to upload pictures, scans of the designs, tell your story, and rate your experience. Connect with your friends and get out of your house to find new locations and adventures.

Pick at least 3 questions to answer:
1) rate the design of the flyer/poster/ticket/whatever you have.
2) rate your experience.
3) tell your story about the experience
4) would you go to this place again?
5) do your pictures/ticket stubs etc capture how you felt about the experience?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I was doing fine up to the 28th floor...

If you're not doing anything on Saturday, Feb. 26th, you can "fight for air climb" in the Accenture Tower in downtown Minneapolis.  As a fund-raising project for the American Lung Association, the Accenture Tower event is one of many such events across the nation to bring attention to lung disease while raising money to help cure the same.

Now I will be busy that day video recoding some lacrosse games, but I am sure that this will be a fun and exhausting event.  Plus, as Clint Eastwood once uttered in his Dirty Harry character, "a man has got to know his limitations."  For me, that would be about six floors.

For many people, this will provide the opportunity to travel thru a big building using the an area that is generally off-limits except for fire drills.  Venturing in the stairwells 24 hours prior to or after the actual event and getting caught by building security would probably land you on some terror-watch list.

I know one person that will be at this event and I hope to get a report from her.

For more information, go here:

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